How to Properly Pack Clogs When Traveling



The holidays are right around the corner and that means millions of people will be hitting the road and the skies to spend the holidays with friends and family. For many of us it could be a quick day trip or weekend visit. But for many others, packing up the family and everything we need can be a major undertaking.


Choosing the most comfortable clothing and shoes for your vacation is smart. Packing them can be another issue all together. They are bulky and can get smashed.


With that in mind, here are some quick tips you can use to make sure your favorite shoes, clogs included, make it out of your luggage in beautiful, ready to wear condition.


How to Properly Pack Clogs When Traveling


  1. Clogs can be weighty, so you’ll always want to pack them in the bottom of your luggage to keep the weight evenly distributed and well-balanced. If you’re packing them into a carry-on bag, place them in the bottom of your tote with lighter items on top.


  1. Make sure all of your shoes are clean before packing them. If the soles are dirty, wipe them down and towel dry. In addition, place several empty one-gallon size zipper closure bags in your suitcase. When it comes time to return home, you can use those bags to pack up dirty shoes, wet bathing suits and other items.


  1. If you’re packing a lot of weighty items and worried about your shoes becoming mis-shapen while traveling, crumple up some white tissue paper (into a ball) and stuff it inside your clogs. This won’t add any weight to your bag and will help them to retain shape while in transit. If you don’t want to use tissue paper, you can roll up your socks and underwear and place them inside your shoes.


  1. Before packing up to go home, wipe down all of the soles on the shoes that you are packing with a damp cloth, and then towel dry. Place them into a zipper closure bag or into the bottom of your luggage. You don’t want dirt, mud, grass and/or sand getting all over your other items. Never pack WET SHOES into your bags! Allow them to dry completely first.


  1. When traveling, you usually never need more than 3 pairs of shoes! Wear one pair and pack the other two. Choose classic colored footwear that’s comfortable to wear and will mix and match easily.

Travelling can be stressful but by packing your clothing and footwear carefully, you can be ready to enjoy your friends and family instead of stressing about damaged items.

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