Tips to Get Feet Sandal Ready

No matter where you live, getting your feet sandal ready is a rite to passage for spring to come!  It is never too early to wish for warmer temps. As the weather turns warmer, the more often the shoes come off. At least in my house!So now that spring is on the way, why not pamper yourself and get your toes and feet ready for the sun? All those great looking sandals you have bookmarked are just waiting for you!

Here are some tips to get feet sandal ready easily and with beautiful results.

Give Yourself a Pedicure:

Use nail clippers and give your nails a good clipping. Use a cuticle stick to push back the cuticles. If you have “toe hairs”, now would be the time to remove them. Most women suffer with dry feet after a long winter season, so use a foot file or foot buffer to remove all dead skin from your heels and other foot areas.

Time for a Soak:

Fill up a basin with warm water and a good foot soaking solution. If you don’t have a basin, fill up your tub with a few inches of warm water and the solution. Fold up a towel and sit on the edge of your tub to soak your feet for a minimum of 10 minutes. Using a scrub brush, brush the bottom of your feet and around your ankle areas to remove any remaining dead skin. Rinse feet and towel dry.


Not all moisturizers are created equally. When it comes to your feet, buy a moisturizer that is specifically made to treat this particular area on your body. Lube up both of your feet and then slap a pair of socks onto your feet for a few hours to hold that moisturizer in. Or better yet, soak and moisturize at night, then wear a pair of socks to bed for intense moisture delivery.

Pretty Them Up:

If desired, you can pretty up your feet with some polish! We recommend that you always use a base coat, 1-2 layers of color and then follow-up with a top coat. Invest in high-quality polishes, so that they will wear longer and be more chip-resistant.


Depending on the condition of your feet, repeat these foot-care steps on a weekly or bi-monthly basis to get them into and keep them in tip-top shape.Always be ready for sandal weather. After all, a quick jaunt to the islands could happen any time!  Need some new sandals for your adventures this spring? Check out what we have in stock, ready to go!


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