Tips for Getting Your Footwear Ready for the Fall Season
Tips for Getting Your Footwear Ready for the Fall Season Where does the time go? Fall season is just around the corner already! It is time to start switching our thinking from warm weather summer wear to cooler weather fall choices. New colors are soon to be on scene in fashion items and footwear […]

Best Shoes to Buy for Wide Feet
Millions of women around the world have wide feet. It is a blessing and a curse sometimes. While wide feet gives a great foundation for our bodies, it can also be tough to find shoes that fit well and support properly. When your feet are wide, it’s extremely important to buy proper […]

The One Pair of Shoes Every Woman Needs in Her Closet
The One Pair of Shoes Every Woman Needs in Her Closet I think every woman has a favorite pair of shoes. You know the ones that fit just right. The pair that you can wear all day and never get sore feet. The ones that conformed to your feet just right and feel like a […]

5 Items Around $100 Every Woman Should Own
Every woman has a list of key pieces that are in her wardrobe. For some women it may be the perfect fitting black jeans. For others it could be a favorite shirt or a favorite necklace. So we decided to come up with five things for around 100 bucks that every woman needs in […]

Best Type of Clogs for the Professional Environment
Best Type of Clogs for the Professional Environment We all have the problem of what to wear to work. Not only when it comes to clothing but also shoes. Our Clog choice can make or break the outfit. Plus, it can make a huge impact on our comfort. If you walk a lot […]

Brighten up your Footwear Options to wear with Your Summer Whites Summer is the time for showing off your beautiful white fashion items. It is a perfect choice to help you stay cool and enhance your beautiful skin. This season, the White-on-White fashion trend is heating up with gorgeous choices in solid white sundresses, […]
Hot Trends in Clogs
Hot Trends in Clogs Clogs have made a huge comeback in the past few years. Everywhere you look women, and even some men, have figured out that clogs are a fabulous choice in footwear. With the style and support you need and the orthopedic details that gives you the hidden comfort you crave, a […]

Fashion Tips for Layering
Layering clothing has been popular for years but there are some tips you can follow to make sure you are doing it in the most flattering manner. For some people, layering can mean hiding body flaws. Or others it is a way to add style and flair. These fashion tips for layering will help you pull […]

Shoe Styles to Wear with Rompers This Season
You have seen them and chances are you probably either love them or hate them. This season the romper is hot! But many people are asking “what is a romper?” And how do I wear it properly? Well, we have some answers for you! A romper is a one-piece outfit where the top and […]

12 Essential Summer 2017 Fashion Items
Fashion comes and goes every season and sometimes it is tough to keep up with the trends. Most of the time it boils down to wearing what you love and what you feel the most comfortable when wearing something. But there is nothing wrong with blending in some fashion favorites from what is trending today and […]